Attribute VB_Name = "basAutoRemove" Option Explicit Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) Private sTwitterId As String Private sPassword As String Sub Main() On Error Resume Next Dim objHttp As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP Dim objXML As New MSXML2.DOMDocument Dim objIDs As New MSXML2.DOMDocument Dim cXmlRoot As Collection Dim cIds As Collection Dim vLoop As Variant Dim sKey As String Dim vFrendIds As Variant Dim vFollowersIds As Variant Dim fp As Integer Dim fp2 As Integer Dim sReadBuf As String Dim cSkipIds As New Collection Dim cId As New Collection Dim sSkipFile As String Dim vCommand As Variant Dim yn As Integer vCommand = GetCommandLine If UBound(vCommand) <> 2 Then sTwitterId = Trim$(InputBox("Twitterユーザー名を入力してください。", "ユーザ名の入力")) If sTwitterId = "" Then End sPassword = Trim$(InputBox("パスワードを入力してください。", "パスワードの入力")) If sPassword = "" Then End Else sTwitterId = vCommand(1) sPassword = vCommand(2) End If "GET", "" & sTwitterId & ".xml", False, sTwitterId, sPassword objHttp.send If objHttp.Status = 200 Then objXML.async = False objXML.loadXML objHttp.responseText Set cXmlRoot = ExpandXML(objXML) objIDs.async = False objIDs.loadXML cXmlRoot("ids")(1).xml vFrendIds = Split(objIDs.childNodes(0).Text, " ") "GET", "" & sTwitterId & ".xml", False, sTwitterId, sPassword objHttp.send If objHttp.Status = 200 Then objXML.async = False objXML.loadXML objHttp.responseText Set cXmlRoot = ExpandXML(objXML) objIDs.async = False objIDs.loadXML cXmlRoot("ids")(1).xml vFollowersIds = Split(objIDs.childNodes(0).Text, " ") Else End End If Else End End If On Error Resume Next sSkipFile = App.Path & "\SkipIds_" & sTwitterId & ".txt" fp = FreeFile If Dir(sSkipFile) <> "" Then Open sSkipFile For Input As #fp Do While Not EOF(fp) Line Input #fp, sReadBuf cSkipIds.Add sReadBuf Loop Close #fp End If For Each vLoop In vFrendIds cId.Add Key:="KEY:" & (vLoop), Item:=(vLoop) Next For Each vLoop In vFollowersIds cId.Remove "KEY:" & (vLoop) Next For Each vLoop In cSkipIds cId.Remove "KEY:" & (vLoop) Next fp = FreeFile Open App.Path & "\RemoveIds_" & sTwitterId & ".txt" For Append As #fp Print #fp, Now, "RemoveCount = " & cId.Count If cId.Count > 3 Then yn = MsgBox("リムーブしようとするidの数が" & cId.Count & "個あります。" & vbCrLf & "本当にリムーブしてもよろしいですか?", vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2 + vbQuestion, "確認") If yn <> vbYes Then Close #fp End End If End If For Each vLoop In cId ' "POST", "" & vLoop & ".xml", False, sTwitterId, sPassword objHttp.send Print #fp, Now, "(" & objHttp.Status & ")Remove", "" & vLoop & ".rss" If objHttp.Status = 404 Then fp2 = FreeFile Open sSkipFile For Append As #fp2 Print #fp2, (vLoop) Close #fp2 End If Next Close #fp If UBound(vCommand) <> 2 Then Shell "cmd /c start " & App.Path & "\RemoveIds_" & sTwitterId & ".txt" End If End End Sub 'childNodes展開 Private Function ExpandXML(ByRef objData As Variant) As Collection Dim vLoop As Variant Dim cRet As New Collection For Each vLoop In objData.childNodes cRet.Add Key:=vLoop.baseName, Item:=Array(vLoop.baseName, vLoop) Next Set ExpandXML = cRet End Function Function GetCommandLine(Optional MaxArgs) ' 変数を宣言します。 Dim C, CmdLine, CmdLnLen, InArg, i, NumArgs ' MaxArgs が提供されるかどうかを調べます。 If IsMissing(MaxArgs) Then MaxArgs = 10 ' 現在のサイズの配列にします。 ReDim ArgArray(MaxArgs) NumArgs = 0: InArg = False ' コマンド ラインの引数を取得します。 CmdLine = Command() CmdLnLen = Len(CmdLine) ' 同時にコマンド ラインの引数を取得します。 For i = 1 To CmdLnLen C = Mid(CmdLine, i, 1) ' スペースまたはタブを調べます。 If (C <> " " And C <> vbTab) Then ' スペースまたはタブのいずれでもありません。 ' 既に引数の中ではないかどうかを調べます。 If Not InArg Then ' 新しい引数が始まります。 ' 引数が多すぎないかを調べます。 If NumArgs = MaxArgs Then Exit For NumArgs = NumArgs + 1 InArg = True End If ' 現在の引数に文字を追加します。 ArgArray(NumArgs) = ArgArray(NumArgs) & C Else ' スペースまたはタブを見つけました。 ' InArg フラグに False を設定します。 InArg = False End If Next i ' 引数がすべて格納できるように配列のサイズを変更します。 ReDim Preserve ArgArray(NumArgs) ' 関数名に配列を返します。 GetCommandLine = ArgArray() End Function Private Sub Wait(iTime As Integer) Dim sNow As String sNow = Now Do While DateDiff("s", sNow, Now) < iTime Sleep 1 DoEvents Loop End Sub